
1) What is Python?

Ans: Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. Being a general-purpose language, it can be used to build almost any type of application with the right tools/libraries.

2) What are the benefits of using Python?

  • Python is a general-purpose programming language that has a simple, easy-to-learn syntax that emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Moreover, the language is capable of scripting, is completely open-source, and supports third-party packages encouraging modularity and code reuse.
  • Its high-level data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, attract a huge community of developers for Rapid Application Development and deployment.

3) What is an Interpreted language?

Ans: An Interpreted language executes its statements line by line. Languages such as Python, Javascript, R, PHP, and Ruby are prime examples of Interpreted languages. Programs written in an
interpreted language runs directly from the source code, with no intermediary compilation step.

4) What is PEP 8 and why is it important?

Ans: PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. A PEP is an official design document providing information to the Python community, or describing a new feature for Python or its processes. PEP 8 is especially important since it documents the style guidelines for Python Code. Apparently contributing to the Python open-source community requires you to follow these style guidelines sincerely and strictly.

5) What is Scope in Python?

Ans: Every object in Python functions within a scope. A scope is a block of code where an object in Python remains relevant. Namespaces uniquely identify all the objects inside a program. However, these namespaces also have a scope defined for them where you could use their objects without any prefix. A few examples of scope created during code execution in Python are as follows:

  • A local scope refers to the local objects available in the current function.
  • A global scope refers to the objects available throughout the code execution since their inception.
  • A module-level scope refers to the global objects of the current module accessible in the program.
  • An outermost scope refers to all the built-in names callable in the program. The objects in this scope are searched last to find the name referenced.

Note: Local scope objects can be synced with global scope objects using keywords such as global.

6) What are global, protected and private attributes in Python?

·         Global variables are public variables that are defined in the global scope. To use the variable in the global scope inside a function, we use the global keyword.

·         Protected attributes are attributes defined with an underscore prefixed to their identifier eg. _sara. They can still be accessed and modified from outside the class they are defined in but a responsible developer should refrain from doing so.

·         Private attributes are attributes with double underscore prefixed to their identifier eg. __ansh. They cannot be accessed or modified from the outside directly and will result in an AttributeError if such an attempt is made.


7) What is self in Python?

Ans: Self is a keyword in Python used to define an instance of an object of a class. In Python, it is explicitly used as the first parameter, unlike in Java where it is optional. It helps in distinguishing between the methods and attributes of a class from its local variables.

8) What is __init__?

Ans: __init__ is a contructor method in Python and is automatically called to allocate memory when a new object/instance is created. All classes have a __init__ method associated with them. It helps in distinguishing methods and 

attributes of a class from local variables.

# class definition

class Student:

   def __init__(self, fname, lname, age, section):

       self.firstname = fname

       self.lastname = lname

       self.age = age

       self.section = section

# creating a new object

stu1 = Student("Sara", "Ansh", 22, "A2")


9) What are decorators in Python?

Ans: A Python decorator is a specific change made in the Python syntax for the easy alteration of functions.


10) Difference between generators and iterators?

Ans: In Python, iterators are used to iterate over a group of elements (in a list, for example). The way of implementing these iterators is known as generators. It yields an expression in the function, but otherwise behaves like a normal function.


11) How to convert a number into a string?

Ans: One of the most common python interview questions. We can use the inbuilt str() function. For an octal or hexadecimal representation, we can use the other inbuilt functions like oct() or hex().


12) What is the use of the // operator in Python?

Ans: Using the // operator between 2 numbers gives the quotient when the numerator is divided from the denominator. It is called the Floor Division operator. It is one of the general questions from the Python interview questions and answers guide.


13) Does Python have a Switch or Case statement like in C?

Ans: No, it does not. However, we can make our own Switch function and use it. 


14) What is the range() function and what are its parameters?

Ans: The range() function is used to generate a list of numbers. Only integer numbers are allowed, and hence, parameters can be both negative and positive. The following parameters are acceptable:


Where ‘stop’ is the no. of integers to generate, starting from 0. Example: range(5) == [0,1,2,3,4]

range([start], stop[, step])

Start: gives the starting no. of the sequence

Stop: specifies the upper limit for the sequence

Step: is the incrementing factor in the sequence


15) What is the use of %s?

Ans: %s is a format specifier which transmutes any value into a string.


16) Is it mandatory for a Python function to return a value?

Ans: No


17) Does Python have a main() function?

Ans: Yes, it does. It is executed automatically whenever we run a Python script. To override this natural flow of things, we can also use the if statement. 


18) What is GIL?

Ans: GIL or the Global Interpreter Lock is a mutex, used to limit access to Python objects. It synchronizes threads and prevents them from running at the same time.


19) Before the use of the ‘in’ operator, which method was used to check the presence of a key in a dictionary?

Ans: The has_key() method


20) How do you change the data type of a list?

Ans: To change a list into a tuple, we use the tuple() function

To change it into a set, we use the set() function

To change it into a dictionary, we use the dict() function

To change it into a string, we use the .join() method


21) How can you capitalize the first letter of a string in Python?

Ans: In Python, you can use the capitalize() method to capitalize the first letter of a string. However, if a string already consists of a capital letter at the beginning, it will return the original string.

22) What is an Expression?

Ans: An expression Can be defined as a combination of variables, values operators a call to functions. It is a sequence of operands or operators like a + B – 5 is called an expression. Python supports many such operators for combining data object into an express.

23)What is a statement in Python?

Ans: It is an instruction that Python can interpret and execute when you type the statement in the command line Python execute and displays the result if there is one.

24) What is ==  in Python?

Ans: It is an operator which is used to check or compare the values  of two objects

25) How do you do data abstraction in Python?
Ans: An abstraction means hiding away information or showing only information that’s necessary.
#in this example we dont want to learn how len was introduced in python

26) What is a dictionary in pthon?
Ans: Dictionary is a data structure as well as a data type in python.It is enclosed in curly brackets{}.
Dictionary contains 2 elements – key and value
key is a string for us to grab a value.

dictionary = {
‘a’: 1,
‘b’: 2



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